4. The Earl of Sandwich's groundbreaking concert of putting a savoury filling between two pieces of bread.
6. Our modesty - we never boast how great we are, apart from today.
9. Our politeness - no matter how irritated we get, we are always too British to say anything.
11. The Great British Summer (don't forget the brolly).
12. Driving on the left (the right way to do it).
13. No matter where you are in Britain, you're never far from a pub.
14. Any excuse for a cup of tea.
16. We don't moan because we're miserable, we moan because it makes us happy.
17. Our international language. Travelling abroad is a doddle.
19. The Great British countryside, when you're not stuck behind a tractor.
20. Freedom of speech.
22. Some of the very best museums and galleries on the planet. Free.
23. The national tendency un cheer the underdog and ridicule the mighty.
24. We apologise way too much. Sorry about that.
29. Our cobbled streets. Watch your heels ladies.
31. We know the importance of a good queue.
33. Court room wigs. Our great way of making very smart people look very silly.
40. Beer gardens. Because we love our beer and we love our gardens.
41. Saying 'I'm fine' no matter how we feel.
42. A love for mowing the lawn.
43. Plugs with switches. Amazingly nowhere else seems to do this.
44. Tolerating nearly everything, but banning hosepipes.
45. Llanfairpwlplygogerywrodralllgogoch in North Wales. Just wait till your sat nav tries that one.
46. The BBC. The only time you're not constantly reaching for the fast-forward button.
52. The Full English breakfast. Served all day.
53. The weather. Although we get less of it than almost anywhere, it's still the major talking point.
56. Allotments. Our very own little patch of the countyside.
57. Our love of everything pickled.
58. Carry On films. Oooer Missus.