- So where are we going?
- Just over there, at Charcoal. It's my second favourite turkish restaurant.
- And which is your first?
- Diyarbakir.
- Why aren't we going there?
- It's 20 minutes walk from here.
- What makes it so special?
- Apart from the amazing mains, they give free starters and complementary tea.
- David, let's go there. I need the walk.
- As you wish.
- So tell me more about you. We used to be best friends. I've missed you!
- I've missed you too!
- I understand where you stand in regards to your love life. What else is there?
- Well, I can see a pattern in my relationships, but everytime is different. I still feel like I know nothing about life and peopke around me. Sometimes I ask myself if I'm doing the best I can for my life, if I'm a good partner, father or friend...
- I think you are.
- I have doubts, because I'm not like I used to be.
- Of course, because time changes us. It changes our feelings, our way of comprehending the world. I used to think that I'm special, unique, but now I realise that I'm just a regular guy, with common issues and needs, a bit more crazy in some areas and not so into politics and sport.
- Andrew, you're now a better version of yourself. In my early 20's I've been told that I'm an amazing lover, but not husband material. Now I now I'm husband and father material, but I struggle on finding a proper partner to share life with. I need a team player.
- I know.
- I've also struggled on finding my financial independence, but since I've opened this "Maintenance for Mobile Carriers" business, my life improved and it became more stabile.
- I'm happy to hear that! Well done boy!
- Thanks Andrew. Richness comes in layers, as the onion. There will always be one layer up and one down. The more you go, the more you cry. You will always be wanting for more, but the wisdom is to know when to stop and enjoy.
- With money is never. I have this friend, Alex, who's about the same age as us, and after he spent more than five years expanding his business, he ended up in the hospital with pneumonia and perfored lungs. Now he spends his money on doctors and therapy.
- That's sad.
- Yeah, but at least his kids will live a happy life.
- What wouldn't you do for your child?
- I would do anything. At least you've got Sara to keep you motivated and going.
- She's the apple of my life!
- David, what's with all this drama in your life?
- I don't know, but I could ask you the same thing.
- I don't know either, but it makes life more intense.
- It's true. Here's the restaurant.
- It wasn't that far...
sâmbătă, martie 26, 2016
marți, martie 22, 2016
Secrete si demoni, scheleti si fantome ce stau in dulapul care in copilarie ne ducea catre Narnia... Am facut din noi un tomberon de greseli si regrete, prefacandu-ne ca suntem fericiti, desi avem sufletul plin de vanatai. Am inchis in noi usa catre fantezie si acum traim cu teama ca daca cineva ar gasi cheia si ar intra, s-ar speria de intunericul de dinauntru si ar fugi, blestemandu-si clipa in care a avut curiozitatea sa ne cunoasca. Astfel, ne-am asigurat ca nu mai exista cale de acces si am aruncat in dulap orice ne-ar putea aminti de taramul fericirii.
1:43 am
Nu mai avem nevoie de trecut, pentru ca oricum nu am invatat nimic din el. Repetam iar si iar aceleasi prostii si speram ca cineva, intr-o zi, o sa vina sa ne repare.
1:49 am
Ne-am ranit curajul cu oameni care au inima prea mica sa ne iubeasca. Pana nu vom invata ca nu mai avem nevoie de secrete pentru a fi fericiti, nu vom gasi oglinda care sa ne reflecte asa cum suntem, imperfecti dar minunati. Nu suntem copia unei utopii si nici ar trebui sa ne straduim sa devenim una.
1:55 am
Timpul trece in siguranta, dar in nestire.
Suntem in milocul unui ocean de pareri, plutind intr-o barca artificiala si vaslim incet si anevoios catre un pamant povestit de catre cei ale caror existente au fost extraordinare si indiferente valurilor de ura.
2:00 am
Linistea si absenta vantului ne face sa credem ca suntem pierduti. Inconjurati de miliarde de ochi ce ne privesc, suntem singuri printre aceste cadavre ambulante. Pentru ei suntem doar niste vaci de muls, carne pentru gratar sau piele pentru haine. Vor sa ne poarte si sa isi aduca glorie si fala de pe urma noastra.
2:06 am
Am indraznit sa deschidem putin usa dulapului si am dorit sa facem curat, pentru a regasi acea portita de scapare. Dar ne-am deschis fata de niste oameni carora le-a fost sila sa se murdareasca de noi.
Oare cand vom intelege ca avem nevoie de Lumina sa vedem in intuneric?!?
Oare cand Il vom lasa pe El sa ne curete?!?
Ce bine ca totul nu se termina aici!
joi, martie 03, 2016
- La urmatoarea statie coboram.
- Dar mami, vreau sa ma dorm!
- Te cred draga mea, dar hai ca dormi la caldurica langa soba, cand ajungem la mamaia.
- Maamiii!... Dar imi place in tren!
- Hai sa ne uitam pe geam, poate ne asteapta la poarta si ne face cu mana.
Trenul cobora incet dealul in timp ce in stanga lui se intindea campia. Soarele de duminica dimineata promitea o zi memorabila.
- Mami, mami! Uite-o pe mamaia!
- Da, da. Fa-i cu mana!
- Mamaie, vin la tine! striga Paris cat putu de tare in vagonul de tren personal necomparimentat. M-o fi auzit?
- Ha-ha! Sigur te-a auzit. Acum hai la usa ca imediat coboram si trebuie sa fim gata.
- Mami, cand ajungem la mamaia, ii spunem sa ne dea zacusca si turte. Asta ne de ea ca sa ne aratr ca ne iubeste!
...Work In Progress...